Exam Results Spring 2018!

Congratulations to our piano students Zahi, Evanna and Frank for excellent prep test results in the ABRSM exam season of Spring 2018! Well done to Eva for passing her grade 1 ABRSM piano exam with Merit (Alex’s student), Aliyya for passing her grade 2 ABRSM piano exam with Merit (Kat’s class), Max for passing his grade 2 ABRSM piano exam with Merit (Eleni’s class) and Lamis for passing her grade 2 ABRSM piano exam with Merit (Eleni’s class). Congratulations to Deniz for passing his grade 3 ABRSM piano exam  (Kat‘s student), as well as our adult students Lara and Ike for passing their grade 2 ABRSM piano exams (both Eleni’s students)!



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